The best purpose designed New Zealand Satndards Approved Infant lifejacket on the market
General Boating Lifejackets - Sheltered Waters, Hutchwilco
This innovative Hutchwilco Wee Wilco Lifejacket is designed expressly for for infants 10kg to 15kg and Chest size 35 to 50 cm.
Age approx 3 months to 18months
Standards New Zealand Approved.
Specially sculptured to support the child with excellent head support and complete with adjustable soft neoprene (Nappy) crotch strap.
Arguably the most innovative and effective lifejacket for protection of young infants in and around the water.
This model was developed with the help of aquabears groups and has been proven effective even on "babes-in-arms".
The extra large moulded buoyancy collar provides superior support for infants whose heads comprise a major proportion of total weight.
The clever design allows you to open and unfold the jacket, lie the baby on it then fold and re-clip the front of the jacket and attach the soft neoprene nappy flap so your pride and joy is safely and comfortably contained.
The jacket also has a large lifting handle at the back so you can pass the baby easily or attach a buddy line.